Thursday, January 7, 2016

Obama cries for some reasons I'm tempted to say in a narcissistic attitude

1. President obama grew emotional during a passionate call for a sense of urgency this tuesday. He was introduced by Mark Barden whose son died in the sandy hook shooting. He said he gets mad when he thinks about those kids. The white house is trying to expand background check for gun buyers. They're trying to close the gun show "loophole". Obama attacked congressional republicans for being against expanded background checks. Obama says he doesn't think that you should give up because a program might not work. Obama blasted the NRA and claimed he's not out to take away guns. He compared gun safety to car safety, small toy safety, and iphone fingerprint locks. He said he supports the second amendment which gives the right to bear arms but believes there are ways to reduce gun violence with laws that are consistent with the second amendment. Obama said only congress can pass new gun control laws. Obama also said he can't wait. Obama also wants to fund some stuff. Republicans are reacting negatively and obama freacking called it. hillary Clinton says she'll continue the fight for gun control. A little over the majority of americans don't want stricter gun laws.

2. Okay so basically obama is using his charisma to beg congress to make laws the republicans won't throw away as soon as trump wins. I don't blame Obama for wanting stricter gun laws or crying while he gave a speech cause it's really not his fault he's delusional or can't cope with a shooting that happened 4 years ago. I mean yeah it's too bad they died but for fricks sake man it's not like they were your kids or something. Back to gun laws. The gun show loophole isn't a frickin loophole you freaking idiot! it's the way the gosh diddly darn law works. Stop using your sophist bullpoop to make people feel bad. The second amendment doens't give gun ownership rights it protects the people from the government infringing on them. INFRINGING MEANS TO LIMIT WHICH BACKGROUND CHECKS DO! I'm so fricking sick of liberals saying that it's not infringing on your rights to limit them. And yeah Obama needs congress to pass laws because pretty much everything he's done as president besides obama care is gonna get erased when Trump or Cruz wins the next election. And the remark about Obama predicting negative reactions from the republicans. really... really... what else would they do. The right is so timid they let democrats walk all over them one of the only things left almost untouched is gun rights.

3. this relates to our current unit because obama is the presidnet and is using executive orders.

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