Thursday, November 12, 2015

Belts are not immovable objects and Iowa is stupid

1. On thursday Donald Trump told Iowa voters who support Ben Carson that they're stupid for believing in his life story. His pugnacious attitude was different from the more restrained behavior on display tuesday during the debate. During the end of his wide ranging complaints Trump mocked Carson's narrative of his violent youth calmed by god. At one point Trump walked awy from his podium and flipped up his belt buckle to show that it moves and is unlikely to stop much less break a knife. "'So I have a belt: Somebody hits me with a belt, it's going in because the belt moves this way. It moves this way, it moves that way,' Trump told the crowd, which laughed in response. 'He hit the belt buckle. Anybody have a knife? Want to try it on me? Believe me, it ain't gonna work. You're going to be successful, but he took the knife and went like this and he plunged it into the belt and, amazing, the belt stayed totally flat and the knife broke.'" He told the crowd he can't understand why anyone would support Carson.

2. I think Trump has shown his true colors yet again. He has attacked Carson in his signature mocking fashion as well as other presidential candidates of both party. He hasn't had a change of heart or a realization that controling his temper is a good idea. I'm not sure why he acted so mellow during the debates but it probably was something advised to him that he obviously thought only applied to the debate. I'm not sure if Carson's story is true or not but calling Iowa stupid for believing it is definitely not a good choice.

3. This applies to our current unit because it's about presidential candidates in the republican political party.

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