Thursday, October 29, 2015

The latest GOP debate and the winners of it

1. The third GOP presidential debate has happened between the top ten runners for the presidency. With less than 100 days before the first ballots are cast this debate was more or less a test for the campaigns. A few candidates did better than others though. Rubio defended himself quite well in the begining of the debate from a question aimed at his voting attendence. He then managed to shift the topic from fighting between each other to fighting against the democrats. Cruz attacked the moderators and the liberal media viscously and constantly while earning applause from the audience consistenlty. While a lot of the debate was aimed torwards the liberal media Cruz was definitely a leader in the assault and had some of the best attacks and defenses. Kasich was a strong debater as well frequently scrutinizing the plans of some of his fellow republicans. Trump made a change and tried being quiet during the debate. He showed a softer more level headed side which assured voters wondering if he has the temperment to be a president. Christie held his ground during the debate and had a great moment where he went off about questions relating to fantasy football and gambling. Bush was a mess during the debate and left his supporters wondering what he was doing. CNBC and the media as a whole took a beating as well from the constant attacking of pointless questions and insults aimed at starting a fight. Carson didn't make much of anything during the debate. He didn't make or lose any ground, although that might not be a problme for one of the current leaders in the polls.
2. I didn't watch the whole debate but from what I saw I agree. A lot of the candidates did well or atleast decent except for bush who completely flunked it. The attacks torward useless and "gotcha" questions was consistent and savage. The moderators even earned themselves a booing after attacking Carson.I liked how most of the debaters didn't attack each other and even complimented each other's strengths. They really tried to make the debate a way to figure out who the best candidate is and not who the best mudflinger is.
3. This relates to our current unit because it's about public opinion and political parties.

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