Thursday, December 17, 2015

Congress's new 2000 page bill

1. Mimicking college students congress has waited until the end of the semester to get any work done. Congress has crammed a year of work into two massive tax and spending bills. They're expected to pass later this week. Released in the middle of the night tuesday the bills dictate how the government will spend $1.1 trillion dollars.They also dictate new policy for cybersecurity, oil exports, and suspend some obamacare taxes. They've also made sure sledding on capital hill is okay. Republicans have "tried" to repeal obama care and failed. So the GOP has settled for compromise and suspended two key taxes in obamacare. Republicans have pushed to get rid of the 40 year old oil export ban. Dark money will stay dark. Cybersecurity is getting a part. The world trade center responder program is reauthorized. McCain is fired up over missiles. And people are allowed to ride on top of sloped snow piles on public property.

2. First off I liked the joke about college students. Who knew mainstream media could be funny on purpose. Second I'm glad, or mad, actually I don't know. Anyway I feel a way that would likely be called amused disgust about congress spending so much time on only two bills. I don't think they have the right to make bills at all but who am I to claim people in government don't actually have superhuman god like priveledges? Also $1.1 trillion? Really? Whatever, the way I see it the more the government spends the closer we are to a collapse and the closer we are to socialists either breaking out of their deluded nightmare realities or starving. Republicans didn't try to repeal obama care. It's a show to appease the conservatives. They know they can't win so why would they actually try? And even if they did try they would've came to about the same conclusion since moderate republicans are blind old dogs who'll roll over if you drop a fork on the floor. I don't really care about economic regulations, dark money, or cybersecurity. I'm glad people are allowed to go on public property and use it for non violent public purposes finally. Jeez...

3. This relates to our unit because it's about congress which is in the legislative branch of the government.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

More Shootings and More Idiots

1. Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have said the response to the san bernardino shooting needs to be more restrictions on gun purchases. Clinton told a crowd she will not be silenced on guns. Sanders who used to be endorsed by the NRA is calling for bans and control on guns and ammunition. Gun control has been a flashpoint between these two before. According to investigators the shooters were radicalized and in touch with people being watched by the FBI. The radicalization contributed to the shooting during a holiday party. Clinton said they shouldn't have been allowed to do this. Clinton also defended muslim americans during a speach. Sanders has said mass shootings have become an epidemic. Sanders says congress should pass more gun control laws. CLinton blames congress for inaction.

2. All right first off california has some of the most strict gun control laws in the country. It is virtually impossible to get and carry a firearm legally in california. So I fail to see how a lack of gun control laws could be the source of the problem. Of course I shouldn't be suprised, and I'm not really, that two regressive evil morons refuse to look at facts and statistics and then change their mind like even an empty husk of a man with barely a scrap of reallity would be able to do. Also this whole not all muslims are radicals bullpoop is really starting to peev me off. Of course not all muslims are gonna go and kill a bunch of people. However I don't see any mobs of muslims calling these "radicals", who are really the closest things to real religious muslims there are, out for following their religion. Most of them are either scared they'll end up in hell for calling real muslims fake, or are actually indifferent or supportive of those who have the absolute lack of morals required to kill someone for a unfalsifiable concept that doesn't exist. Finally no gun bans are gonna be passed. The left and right statists have become so polarized lately that you might as well be asking the north and south poles to touch each other. No cooperation will happen and I'm flipping glad that the moralless monstrosity known as the left and the clueless warmongerers in the right won't be able to destroy the world any faster than they allready are.

3. This relates to our current unit because it involves creating laws which congress does and we're learning about congress and stuff