Sunday, September 27, 2015

9/21 - 9/27 fantasy congress links

Thursday, September 24, 2015

13 year old boy charged with assault for not breaking a dare.

1. A boy aged 13 has been charged with assault for kissing a 14 year old girl on a dare. He grabbed her shirt near her stomach and open mouth kissed her. He was charged as a juvenile with second degree assault and released to his mother. He is also facing disciplinary actions at school for breaking the code of conduct.
2. Personally I think this is pretty messed up. They're middle schoolers and he's being charged with a crime that can ruin his entire future. He did something wrong, no doubt about it but it's not some henious act like everyone is making it out to be. They're kids, they mess around and don't even understand the concept of harrassment. They seriously went too far. At least it isn't like another thing recently where a high schooler was charged as an adult for having nude photos of 2 minors. His girlfriend and himself. That was pretty messed up. Anyway I think this is pretty dumb and is a sad reminder of the grip social "justice" warriors have on our society.
3. This relates to our current unit because it's about our society and its laws which ties into the government.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

CNN debate somehow less of a trainwreck than the fox debate

"Donald Trump finally took some punches, Carly Fiorina grabbed control, Jeb Bush woke up and Marco Rubio and Chris Christie elbowed their way into the fray on a crowded stage. Everyone else just tried to crash the party" This GOP debate took place at the Ronald Raegan Presidential Library wednesday september 16 and was lively and full of mudslinging. Here's some things to takeaway. Fiorina is for real, she wasn't afraid to attack and keep attacking. The debate wasn't completely about Trump, he started out strong but as time went on his advantages his personality gave him started to fade and he lost the spotlight. The pros have got game, proffesional politicians have been losing steam lately but the ones debating last night held their own and maybe even gained some supporters. Jeb Bush was good, but not good enough, he had some good moments but no mass of new supporters will start a campaign stuck in the doldrums. 11 is too many people for a debate, it was a mess and no body got a lot of air time. Base plays can backfire, they all had the same basic ideas for issues and fought over each other for any differences they could find.
Honestly the debate was a mess but at least it wasn't the fox debate. No body really spoke and there were way too many references to Ronald Reagan. The politicians spent most of their time bickering over what each other may or may not have said and how their campaign is going. Trump acted like a jerk and probably should have held back just a little bit to avoid coming off as a D-bag, Carly Fiorina acted like she had a lemon in her mouth the entire debate, she was impatient and generally unpleasent. Also Carly's remark about "all women hearing what he said" really bothered me since I'm pretty anti gynocentrism and I know the usual sayings and attitudes of the generic feminist crowd. Christie and Rubio did half decently and actually had some time to speak after fighting for it for most of the debate. Also Jeb's feud with Trump was pretty dumb. Overall the debate was pretty lousy but at least it wasn't "Trump is sexist and a bad republican now lets give the mic almost exclusively to two other people" like it was in the last fox GOP debate.
This relates to our current unit because it's about the republican party and their memebers running for president which is related to politics, our current unit.

9/14 - 9/20 fantasy congress links

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Trump Under Attack for Being Trump

1. After Donald Trump's criticism of Carly Fiorina's appearance on The Rolling Stones where he said "Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president, I mean, she's a woman, and I'm not s'posedta say bad things, but really, folks, come on. Are we serious?" he has been receiving more flack than usual. When he was asked about his comments he replied saying he was talking about persona and was joking. His GOP rivals don't buy it. Fiorina says that "Maybe, just maybe, I'm getting under his skin a little bit because I'm climbing in the polls," which according to Trump himself "speak for themselves.". Jeb Bush and Scott Walker are also jumping on the Trump hate calling Trump's personal attacks inapropiate. Hillary Clinton also commented noting Trump's tendency to insult women and stating she would love to debate him. Jindal also has said  "silly summer season is over" and Trump should be sent "back to reality TV." and "We cannot send this narcissist, we cannot nominate this egomaniac,". The trump campaign later responded by highlighting Jindal's low poll standing "He did not make the debate stage and therefore I have never met him. I only respond to people that register more than 1% in the polls. I never thought he had a chance and I've been proven right,".

2. Honestly Trump is infamous for being politically incorrect. He's well liked for being rash and uprfront when confronting the media and his political rallies. I believe this will at best help him gain supporters and at worse just have angry people who were already against stay against him. I can't see this negatively affecting trump in any serious way. I personally don't like either the republican or democrat party and their members but I respect Trump because he's able to say things like these and stick to them without instantly being shut down by the media and social justice groups, I think many other supporters of him would agree too.

3. This relates to our current unit because it's about politicians and them running for office in the government. We're studying the government and how it works so the presidential election relates to it.